“My PowerPage” is your power page; your own Front Page.

The Cardinal — Arlingtoncardinal.com has many standard PowerPages that are designed for a general audience, but what about a special PowerPage (My Power Page) configured especially for you? You can order your own specially designed PowerPage — a custom Cardinal newspage with headlines that are focused for your specifications. Your own Front Page.

PowerPages give you a more powerful way to absorb the news and information. Cardinal PowerPages combine SIX Facebook pages or SIX Twitter feeds (or THREE of each) from news sources, sports sites, entertainment sites, shopping sites, authorities, and businesses into one PowerPage. My PowerPage also includes an optional weather forecast for one US City, and up to 10 websites links. If you have any special requests, ask us … You might have a good idea for something additional to add to your My Power Page or another person’s My Power Page.

NEW … Your My PowerPage can now include latest video posts from CNN, FOX, and other news sites or other family-friendly YouTube channels.

Arlingtoncardinal.com has designed and published several favorite PowerPages for widespread use, but now you can select your own combinations to fit your specific needs.

In PC/Mac or Tablet view, the Facebook timelines or Twitter feeds for the sources are in a 3×2 format — that’s TWO rows of THREE Facebook page timelines or Twitter feeds.

In MOBILE VIEW, the Facebook timelines or Twitter feeds for the sources are in a 1×6 format — that’s ONE column of SIX Facebook pages or SIX Twitter feeds (or THREE and THREE).

Your device will automatically display the PC/Mac/Tablet format or MOBILE format.

With a minimum sponsor payment of $25 you can get your own Power Page. Place your order at Arlingtoncardinal.com/sponsor

Your own customized power pages — your version of our general Power Pages Plus … For example, suppose a person grew up in Arlington Heights, but now lives in New York City. That person could have any combination of news from New York and Chicagoland. For example, (1) NBC New York, (2) NBC 5 Chicago, (3) Daily Herald, (4) New York Times, (5) NYPD (6) New York Public Library. You can pick six Facebook timelines, or three Facebook timelines and three Twitter feeds, or six Twitter feeds.

Or say a person grew up in New York and now lives in Arlington Heights. That person could have any combination of news from New York and Chicagoland. For example, (1) NBC New York, (2) NBC 5 Chicago, (3) Daily Herald, (4) Chicago Tribune, (5) Arlington Heights Police (6) Arlington Heights Memorial Library. You can pick six Facebook timelines, three Facebook timelines and three Twitter feeds, or six Twitter feeds.

You can build additional PowerPages, too. If there are two children in college in your family, you can configure the college or university official pages into the combination, and include the official government site for the college town or local police department, for example. You can also order one My Power Page for each child.

You might also want to choose a My Power Page for your favorite SIX restaurants, or your favorite SIX places to shop, or your SIX favorite sport teams.

Each source also includes a link to the official website if available.

Also, posts on the source’s timeline can be easily and efficiently shared to your own timeline or to your friends via direct message. With six pages in one, you’re able to quickly find items to share.


If you don’t understand the following ordering process, just send a direct message to Facebook.com/ArlingtonCardinal and we will help you through the process.

There are SEVEN bits of information needed to activate your order: The ADDRESS you want for your page, and the SIX web addresses for the SIX (OR THREE) Facebook or Twitter sources that you want.

Additional features are requested in a series of short questions after we receive your order.

Here is how you order your PowerPage with sources …

1. Decide the web address for your page. You want something easy to remember. If available, select your initials or any other short family-friendly name that is easy to remember.

The name will have the following format …


2. Select your sources and consider the priority listing (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) for the news sources. Take note of the Facebook or Twitter sources you want. For example, the Facebook web address for Arlington Cardinal is “Facebook.com/ArlingtonCardinal” and each of the SIX sources will be in a similar format.**

3. Place your order at Arlingtoncardinal.com/sponsor. Payments are submitted using PayPal. You don’t have to be a member of PayPal to submit the payment. If you’re not a PayPal member, payment is processed as a regular secure online credit card payment. A minimum sponsor payment of $25 is required to order a My Power Page.

In the NOTES section during the ordering process, please submit your top three choices for the page name address. For example, if you want the initials “JKM” (Arlingtoncardinal.com/jkm) then list “JKM, myJKM, JKMarlington, etc. If you only list “JKM” (for example) and “JKM” is taken, we will assign JKM1, JKM2, JKM3 and so on (depending on availability). Some name addresses might not be available, such as Arlingtoncardinal.com/weather, which is already in use.

In the same notes section, list the Facebook and/or Twitter addresses in the order that you want them displayed (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).

Remember, there is a one time minimum sponsor payment of $25 for eligibility for each PowerPage that you order. You’re not paying for a subscription; you’re just paying for a one-time minimum sponsorship of $25 for eligibility of your own specially configured page. If you sponsor an amount greater than $25 and you would like additional PowerPages, please send us a direct message to Facebook.com/ArlingtonCardinal

By default your My PowerPage is anonymous, but it is not private. If you prefer, you can gift or dedicate your page to a friend, a family member, a charity or celebrity. Your page can include a banner to your favorite charity, and can have referral links. For example, a PowerPage with a charity dedication for a friend or family member might include a banner promoting a charity with a link to the official charity page.

You can also order a My PowerPage as a gift to a family member or friend. Configure their six favorite sport teams, or mix and match their sport teams and celebrities or favorite shopping site.

Once you receive the confirmation, we will finalize your order and ask you some simple questions, which you can reply with your selected Weather City and ten links that you might want included on your page. We will help you with your configuration so you are satisfied with the result. You don’t have to do any of the technical configuration, just answer a few questions.

Then we go to work with your configuration.

Once you receive the confirmation, you can reply with your selected Weather City and ten links that you want included on your page. Link to extra news sites that didn’t make the cut for the 3×2 grid, or an Instagram profile, GasBuddy.com, or any link that is family friendly.

If you have any difficulties with the ordering process, please send a direct message to Facebook.com/Arlingtoncardinal.

Please allow 3-5 days for processing. You will receive an email or a direct message on Facebook with a confirmation and a link to your new PowerPage.

*Some content may require an alternate address.


** Currently only major news sources, governments, and confirmed family friendly businesses are permitted. Some Facebook sources don’t have a “vanity” address. If that’s the case, send us the long address for the Facebook page. All sources are reviewed. We reserve the right to reject a source. If a source is rejected, you have additional opportunities for a replacement source.

Remember, additional features of your My PowerPages are ordered once communication is initiated by Facebook direct message or by email.

See also …
My Power Page FAQ

(Standard pre-configured pages; check them for ideas)

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