Roofs Stressed or Collapsed Under Heavy Snowfall

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Heavy snowfall from the plains to the east coast has been a boon to roofers, even as it exasperates residents.

As a safety precaution, the Walmart Superstore at 475 E. Route 173 in Antioch was closed when safety engineers discovered there was too much snow on the roof. Engineers estimated the weight of the snow, and compared it to the weight that the roof was designed to hold.

About 20 inches of snow fell in Antioch.

In Chicago, a historic church, the First Baptist Congregational Church, 1613 W. Washington Boulevard, was severely damaged. Two Gothic-style towers collapse with bricks, stone and parts the truss roof falling into the sanctuary.

The building survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

Construction of the church began in 1869 and was completed in 1871, The First Baptist Congregational Church was named a state landmark in 2006 and a National Historic Landmark in 2007.